Many workers in this digital age are familiar with the pings and rings of their smartphones, alerting them to work-related issues after work hours. Most assume it’s simply a part of the job, and few file for overtime compensation related to these expected duties. But that may change, depending on…
Articles Posted in wage and hour lawsuit
Perez v. D. Howes, LLC – Misclassification of Farm Worker Employees
Somewhere between 1 and 3 million workers migrate from various locations across the world – usually Mexico, Central America and the Caribbean – to work as laborers in U.S. farms. Vital as these workers are to the labor force, they are often mistreated, underpaid and sometimes even abused. Employers sometimes…
A Retail Workers’ Bill of Rights for One California City
Retail workers often have a much harder time than most people would imagine. While it might not seem like the hardest to job to stand in a store, manage the shelves and check out customers, there are a lot of challenging aspects when trying to earn a living and take…
Protests against Use of Contract Workers at UC Berkeley
According to a recent news story from The Daily Californian, a large group of demonstrators were singing in protest at California Hall to protest University of California at Berkeley (UC Berkeley) and its decision to use contract-based workers instead of full-time employees on the campus. This group of demonstrators said…
Fight to Raise State Minimum Wage to $13/HR in California
The City of Los Angeles has just passed what many consider a landmark minimum wage bill for all wage earners working within city limits. This is a huge step for residents of the city, but it is not the first example of a city minimum wage law. Los Angeles has…
LA Home Healthcare Workers Without Pay
Sometimes, when an employer withholds pay from an employee, it is because an employer is intentionally and willful committing wage theft. Other times, we are dealing with an accounting or payroll error, which results in accidental withholding of wages. Regardless of the cause, the situation still leaves many workers who…
California Moves Forward with Worker Wage Theft Bill
Employee wage theft is a serious problem in California. The problem is one that can affect all workers, but the many foreign-born workers in California are disproportionately affected, as unscrupulous employers may take advantage of workers who do not speak fluent English. According to a recent news article from the Monterey Herald,…
A Closer Look at the LA Minimum Wage Debate
According to a recent news article from the LA Times, eight months following Mayor Eric Garcetti’s proposal to raise the minimum wage in the City of Los Angeles, most major stakeholders have expressed their support in raising the minimum wage, or have at least chosen not to fight the inevitable.…
Major California Employer Lays Off 2,000 and Offers Contract Positions
According to a recent news article in the Los Angeles Business Journal, Health Net, Inc. has announced it will by laying off more than 2000 of its employees and offering them jobs as contractors to the company. In total, around 1200 employees in Woodland Hills and approximately 900 employees in…
Los Angeles Minimum Wage $15 per Hour by 2020
For the past year, there has been a great deal of debate about creating a minimum wage for the City of Los Angeles. The state already has a minimum wage, but it has become increasingly clear that state minimum wage does not equate to a living wage for the residents…