California is celebrating 10 years of its Paid Family Leave Program since the law went into effect in July of 2004. According to a recent analysis, the number of families taking advantage of the law has continued to rise and the majority of the shift involves fathers who are taking…
Articles Posted in wage and hour lawsuit
Bay Area Caregivers File Wage and Hour Class Action
Bay Area caregivers have filed a class-action against the Kentucky-based Kindred Healthcare and subsidiary companies for wage and hour law violations. According to reports, workers were denied overtime and breaks in violation of California labor laws. The defendant healthcare services company offers services providing care to the elderly, ill, and…
California Employees Misclassified as Independent Contractors
Many employers try to misclassify employees as independent contractors in an effort to reduce costs associated with workers’ compensation insurance and other workplace benefits. This type of misclassification can have a profound negative impact on the rights of workers. Overtime pay may be unavailable, the misclassified worker will pay more…
Whole Foods Employees Wage Class Action for Confiscated Tips
For members of the service industry, tips can be critical to fair compensation. Even if an employee is already paid minimum wage, he or she still has the right to collect tips and to take action against an employer that tries to take control or confiscate tip income. In a…
The Rise of Cheerleader Lawsuits
Employment legal disputes can often invoke a class-action if there is more than one plaintiff injured by similar facts and circumstances. Employees who have suffered from discriminatory practices or policies will often take collective legal action against their employer. This is common in the event of wage and hour disputes.…
California Congresswoman: Minimum Wage Should Be $26 An Hour
Nationwide, cities, states, and even the federal government are considering and passing minimum wage hikes to protect low-wage workers and to meet contemporary financial needs. Though California’s minimum wage is slated to go up in July, other legislators are considering more aggressive hikes to support California workers. During an interview…
CA Faces Legislative Debate Over Perma-Temp Workers
Businesses, especially large corporations, have been gradually using more temporary workers to reduce wage liabilities and evade other regulatory and compliance measures. Another growing trend is the use of ‘perma-temp’ workers or long-term temporary workers managed by staffing agencies rather than direct employers. These workers are often found on farms,…
The Market Doesn’t Set Salaries- Boards Do
CNN Money recently tackled the widespread myth that the market sets salaries. The reality is that this is simply untrue. People on the company’s compensation committees set salaries and sometimes these boards do not make smart or informed choices. In fact, sometimes compensation committees make decisions that cause damage, including wage…
Tech Companies to Pay Millions to Settle Wage-Fixing Lawsuit
In 2011, tech workers filed a class action lawsuit against Apple Inc., Google Inc., Adobe Systems Inc. and Intel Inc. The workers claimed that the four tech giants conspired together and agreed that they would not solicit each other’s workers. This agreement was designed to prevent a salary war that…
Bill Would Allow Liens for Wage Theft in California
Assemblyman Mark Stone has introduced a bill, AB 2415, which would allow employees to record and enforce a lien on an employer’s property when allegations are made of unpaid wages. The lien may be recorded prior to the employee proving his entitlement to back pay. If the employee succeeds in…