
Orange County Employment Lawyers Blog


LA Workers’ Congress Renews Fight for Workers’ Rights

One of the best ways workers can shield themselves from discriminatory practices at work is through the use of organized resistance to unscrupulous practices by employers.  When a worker’s rights have been violated, there may be the possibility of taking legal action but many labor unions strive to prevent such…


Study Shows Shifting Schedules Major Problem for LA Retail Workers

While many people have the same schedule for work in any given week, this is a luxury most in the Los Angeles retail industry do not enjoy.  According to a recent news article from CBS Los Angeles, a new study from the University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA), finds…


Employees Win in California Supreme Court Wage and Hour Ruling

Employees got a big win in California Supreme Court recently in a case that ruled on interpretation of guidelines regarding overtime wages. The case in particular examined what formula should be used to calculate overtime wages and whether companies should follow Division of Labor Standards Enforcement rules or federal standards.…


New Wrongful Termination Allegations Against Orange County Official

It’s always unfortunate when the trust between an employer and employee is broken. We see it every day in our line of work, defending employees whose rights have been violated on the job. It’s doubly hard when an employer chooses to lash out against those who take legal action to…


Former Agent Feeling Heat in Hollywood Sexual Harassment Shakedown

While the #metoo movement is shining a spotlight on sexual harassment and the dark corners of Hollywood, an increasing number of civil sexual assault cases are being filed, some against former supervisors, co-workers and the institutions that protected them when they owed a duty of care to the victim. Here…


Justice Department Sues Nonprofit for Firing Army Reservist

While the Army is preparing dedicated men and women to be brave and strong and defend our country, it does not prepare them for one terrible challenge no one wants to face: losing their job. Even worse is when military status discrimination is suspected to be the cause of the…


Honoring Officers Who Stand Up Against Sexual Harassment and Discrimination

In a climate where claims of sexual harassment are continually coming to the surface and stories of police wrongdoing are constantly in the news, it is refreshing to see people honored who have fought to protect their rights and maintain their values. The Asbury Park-Neptune Chapter of NAACP in New…


Board Vacates Franchise Labor Law Decision

In a surprise move, the National Labor Relations Board reversed its own recent stance on the “joint employer rule” that determines the standard for unions and workers to hold companies accountable for the actions of contractors and franchisees. The Obama-era joint employer rule made it easier for workers and unions.…


Sexual Orientation Protected by Title VII, Court Says

The intent of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, to protect workers from employer discrimination, is alive and well as courts continue to use this more than 50-year-old statute to defend citizens who are unjustly targeted by their employer for their sex, national origin, race, color, or…


Bill Seeks to Protect Music Professionals and Other Contractors

For months, Hollywood has been shaken by accusations of widespread harassment and sexual misconduct in the film industry. Those claims inspired people all over the country to come forward with their own stories. Now all eyes are shifting to the music industry, starting with Tennessee. There, lawmakers have introduced a…

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