After allegations of misconduct against Harvey Weinstein revealed a culture of widespread sexual harassment and assault, the film producer is finally facing concrete ramifications. New York Attorney General’s Office recently filed a lawsuit in New York State Supreme Court, New York County against Weinstein Co., Harvey Weinstein, and Robert Weinstein…
Orange County Employment Lawyers Blog
San Diego Pride Accused of Wrongful Termination, Discrimination
Even within organizations whose mission is to protect the rights of others, it is possible for questionable practices that infringe on rights to taint the reputation and culture of the group. San Diego Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender Pride has been caught up in accusations and internal tensions since the dismissal…
GrubHub Ruling Will Drive Future of Gig Economy
With the fast-paced growth of the gig economy, the line between independent contractors and employees has become more and more blurred. This has led to employee misclassification lawsuits filed by workers, claiming employers have taken advantage of their independent contractor status. Those lawsuits could have a more clear outcome after…
Tipped Employees Might Have to Share Tips Under Proposed Rule
Anyone who has ever waited tables knows how valuable a good tip is. It brings the wages of tipped employees up, makes it possible for restaurant owners to keep food prices reasonable, and gives workers an incentive to work during extra busy and stressful shifts throughout the week. U.S. Department…
Washington Supreme Court: Firefighter Axed for Religious Messages Can Sue
Many companies have employment policies in place to help separate people’s personal lives from the workplace. Limiting personal calls, restricting social media use on company computers, forbidding offensive materials from being displayed in work spaces and not allowing company resources to be used for personal gain or to spread personal…
Abercrombie Workers Win Wage Settlement
According to a report last year by CareerBuilder, research conducted on behalf of the site shows 78 percent of American workers live paycheck-to-paycheck. The number breaks down further: 38 percent responded they sometimes live paycheck-to-paycheck, 17 percent said usually and 23 percent answered always. The overall percentage goes up for…
Race Discrimination Accusations Hit Connecticut Agency
When employees work in helping professions, they generally expect their supervisors and co-workers to share values of compassion and empathy. Unfortunately, racial discrimination, harassment and bullying can rear their ugly heads nearly anywhere, even among people who do good for a living. These in turn give rise to employment lawsuits. The…
Looking at Sexual Harassment Policies of State Legislatures
In the wake of the influx of employees coming forward in the past year to report workplace sexual harassment, the rally cry of “me too” has evolved into a steady hum of “what now?” Many citizens look to lawmakers to fortify harassment laws and create harsher punishments. However, those legislative…
State of Washington Looks to Reinforce Workplace Harassment Laws
The events of 2017 surrounding Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein and the many sexual assault and harassment allegations against him are continuing to cause a ripple effect far beyond his region and industry. From people opening up a national dialogue with the #metoo movement to businesses fortifying their sexual harassment policies…
State Senate Sexual Harassment and Retaliation Accusations Move Forward
The explosion of the #Metoo movement has rocked the country, advancing the fight against sexual harassment farther forward than ever before. This has, of course, led to an influx of workplace sexual harassment lawsuits. But it also has caused ripple effects, including lawsuits for retaliation in the workplace, born from…