Articles Posted in Los Angeles employment discrimination lawyer


California Disability Discrimination, Retaliation Lawsuit Over Office Chair Settles for $2 Million

California taxpayers are on the hook for more than $2 million after supervisors at the state’s Employment Development Department failed to reasonably accommodate a worker with disabilities and then allegedly retaliated against her. As our Los Angeles employment disability discrimination lawyers can explain, reasonable accommodations for disabled workers are required…


How Do I File a Workplace Discrimination Lawsuit in California?

In the State of California, it is illegal for employers to discriminate against employees or applicants who are of a protected class. Common forms of workplace discrimination include those on the basis of race, religion, age, pregnancy, gender and medical conditions/disability. Employees or applicants who have been discriminated against in…


What is a “Protected Class” in Los Angeles Employment Discrimination Lawsuit?

In order to be successful in claiming employment discrimination in California, employees must first assert they are part of a protected class that received unfair treatment. The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) explains that to discriminate means to treat someone less favorably and disparately, with federal protections extending to…

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