Articles Posted in sexual harrassment

Officials have approved a $75,000 settlement to be paid to a Los Angeles City staffer who worked for Councilman Mitch Englander. According to reports, the staffer worked in the office from February 2012 through April 2013. The complaint alleges that the Councilman made aggressively sexual and crude comments to the staffer during the course of her employment. In addition to the sexual comments, the Councilman also allegedly continued to make remarks and create a culture of discrimination and harassment.

interview1The lawsuit was filed in the fall of 2013, naming the plaintiff as “Jane Doe,” however her identity was eventually revealed when the court ruled that she could not remain anonymous. The settlement was considered a success for the plaintiff as well as the defendant whose interest has been in quick resolution and minimizing public exposure of the case. Our Orange County sexual harassment lawyers are dedicated to protecting the rights of workers throughout Southern California. We are abreast of key legal issues facing today’s workforce and are dedicated to raising awareness to prevent future abuse and harassment.

Sexual harassment may arise in the event that the employee is faced with a hostile work environment or in a “quid pro quo” sexual harassment claim where a superior requests favors for employment related rewards or threatens adverse employment action. Every case is unique and should be reviewed by an experienced attorney. In this case, the plaintiff suffered from repeated advances, comments, and remarks that created an overall culture of discrimination and harassment in the workplace. The plaintiff has the right to take legal action and to recover financial compensation for lost wages, pain and suffering, emotional harm, and additional losses or expenses.

A former emergency room employee has filed a wrongful termination lawsuit against a California hospital.

Our Costa Mesa wrongful termination attorneys know that employers can be very aggressive towards employees who raise concerns about the work environment. Employers may go so far as to fire an exceptional employee due to complaints they file.

The California emergency room employee is suing her former employer due to the actions taken by a doctor at the hospital.

Of the $110 million paid out by the city of Los Angeles for its police department’s alleged wrongdoings over the last six years, roughly a third of that was for employment-related litigation. highkeyupclose

Our Costa Mesa employment attorneys understand those cases primarily involved allegations of sexual harassment, racial discrimination and retaliation.

The employment litigation audit, conducted by the inspector general of the police commission, found that between the summer of 2006 and the summer of 2012, was conducted for the purposes of determining whether the agency had complied with the mayor’s earlier directive for minimizing litigation risks.

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