Brendan Eich was named the CEO of Mozilla, a company he had been involved with since its conception. Shortly after he took the position, however, he was forced to resign. The reason for this was public outcry over a political donation that he made six years ago.  In 2008, Eich had donated $1,000 to support California’s Proposition 8, which would have banned same sex marriage in the state. Although the proposition was approved by a majority of voters in the state, a federal district court invalidated it. rainbow-flag-1392509-m

The forced resignation has sparked a lot of controversy, with some saying that it was right to force Eich to step down because of beliefs considered “bigoted” while others arguing that it is wrong for someone to be terminated because of his political beliefs.  While this is a question that can be debated in the public sphere, the reality is that California Labor Laws have already settled the question.   The law protects employees from being fired for donating money to a political campaign, and if you are terminated because of a donation you made, you can contact an Orange County employment lawyer for help taking legal action against your employer for the labor law violation.

Protection for Political Advocacy

The federal minimum wage is set at $7.25 per hour and likely will stay that way for the foreseeable future as the Senate failed to pass a bill to increase the minimum wage to $10.10 an hour.  While the federal government may not act any time soon to boost the wages of workers, states are leading the charge to provide more money to hard working employees who deserve to be able to earn a living wage for the work they perform. coins-1191114-m

Los Angeles employment law attorneys help protect workers whose employers try to pay less than the minimum or who engage in wage theft activities like failing to pay for the entire time that an employee is at work.  An increase in the minimum wage must be respected and followed by all state employers or legal action can be taken to recover unpaid wages as well as penalties.

States Lead on Minimum Wage Increases 

The California Department of Fair Employment and Housing (DFEH) submits an annual report every year showing the trends in discrimination cases.  The DFEH enforces the Unruh Civil Rights Act, the Fair Employment and Housing Act, and the Ralph Civil Rights Act. city-corporate-growth-1029092-m

Reviewing the DFEH’s annual report shows the trends that are occurring in terms of discrimination in California. Despite the fact that decades have passed since the first civil rights legislation was signed into law, a review of the DFEH data shows that discrimination continues to be a very real problem. A Costa Mesa employment law attorney can provide assistance to victims of discriminatory behavior on the job.

Discrimination Trends in California

Paid sick days and paid leave are the dream of many employees. California provides paid family leave and has since 2002.  However, there is no federal requirement for any type of paid leave and many workers are without the ability to take a day off from work with pay when they are ill. Even California’s system for paid leave is not perfect, despite the fact that the California Employment Development Department estimated 13.1 million Californians eligible for the State Disability Insurance (SDI) program have also been covered for Paid Family Leave Insurance benefits since July of 2004. blood-glucose-meter-1413150-m

Costa Mesa employment law attorneys represent workers whose employers deny them leave that they are entitled to under the SDI or Paid Leave program. Our attorneys also represent workers whose employers fire them for taking advantage of paid or unpaid leave in violation of state and federal laws like the Family and Medical Leave Act.

Pro-Business Arguments for Paid Leave & Paid Sick Days

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Boeing is shifting jobs to California, which should be good news for workers. However, individuals living in California don’t want just any jobs- they want good, secure jobs with employers who treat them right and who do not engage in discriminatory behavior. yyz-1-879234-m

Unfortunately, accusations are being made that suggest Boeing may be making the move to California because of age discrimination.  Boeing may terminate many older employees with higher pay rates as a part of the move to a new state, replacing these seasoned workers with younger and cheaper individuals.  Employers who discriminate and terminate employees based on their age can face legal challenges, and the Puget Sound Business Journal indicates that the airliners actions may result in a lawsuit by the engineer’s union.

An experienced Orange County employment law attorney can represent clients involved in age discrimination cases and other lawsuits and help them to pursue a claim for compensation.

In California, it is illegal for employers to refuse to provide “reasonable accommodation” for employee conditions related to pregnancy or childbirth. If an employee requests reasonable accommodations upon the advice of a healthcare provider, the employer must act. maternity-portrait-1-1413393-m

Unfortunately, while the Pregnancy Discrimination Act is supposed to ensure that pregnant women do not face discrimination or abusive employment behavior, there are problems with this 35-year-old Act.  Loopholes have allowed courts to uphold an employer’s right to fire a woman after she sought reasonable accommodations during her pregnancy.  California state has passed some laws designed to address the employment problems pregnant women face and to provide added protection, but the state’s efforts have been imperfect.  This is why many women’s rights activists are supporting the Pregnancy Workers Fairness Act and urging lawmakers to pass it.

Because so many pregnant women do face unfair treatment on the job, this Act could go a long way towards improving conditions and making the workplace a better and safer place.  For women who are victimized, a Los Angeles employment attorney can provide legal representation.

Employers may offer severance packages to employees upon termination or layoff, sometimes in exchange for an employee waiving any claims or liability against the employer.  In the past, these severance packages frequently included payment of one or more months of COBRA. COBRA allows an employee to stay on an employer’s health insurance for as long as 18 months, provided that the employee pays 100 percent of the insurance premium costs. thanks-srb-1121690-m

While an employer agreeing to pay COBRA premiums used to be a major advantage, it can now create some problems for workers because of provisions in the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA).  Maintaining health insurance after a termination is essential for employees and you need to ensure you make an informed choice regarding whether you should take COBRA benefits.

Because your severance package can have a strong impact on your future financial situation, it is advisable to speak with an Orange County employment law attorney for assistance before entering into an agreement with an employer.  Your attorney can help you to understand the impact of employer-paid COBRA premiums on your right to obtain coverage under the PPACA.

In a recent move the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission has announced that it will increase its focus on Religious Discrimination.

Our employment lawyers in Los Angeles know that workers are experiencing religious based discrimination on a daily basis.

California workers are likely familiar with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) signs and posters that are displayed in most workplaces. The EEOC protects California workers from discrimination of all sorts, including discrimination based on religion. A recent report indicates that in 2013 alone, more than 3,700 religious discrimination claims were made to the EEOC.

The California Department of Fair Employment and Housing recently released a report regarding discrimination trends.

An experienced Costa Mesa employment lawyer can help you determine if you have been the victim of discrimination in employment or housing.

California employers likely know the serious nature of discrimination claims and how they can affect the lives of everyone involved. California law is very strict regarding discrimination and the state is consistently working to develop better laws and regulations to protect workers from being discriminated against for any reason.

The administration is calling for an end to LBGT discrimination at the federal level. The administration, particularly Vice President Joe Biden, is calling for an end to workplace discrimination based on sexual orientation.

Our Costa Mesa LBGT discrimination attorneys can help you understand your legal rights and what you should do if you have fallen victim to LGBT discrimination in the workplace.

At the recent Human Rights Campaign located in Los Angeles, Biden spoke out against organizations that may terminate, or otherwise discriminate against employees who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender (LGBT).

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