Elon Musk is a billionaire investor who is generally known as being somewhat eccentric.  His primary investments are Tesla, which manufactures high-end electric cars, and Space X, the private space company developing rockets to carry people and cargo into a low-earth orbit and to rendezvous with the International Space Station.

LA employment Attorney According to recent news article from the Daily Caller, Musk just settled a lawsuit with thousands of Space X employees who filed a class action suit in which they alleged they were underpaid and overworked.  The settlement was in the amount of $4 million.  Each employee will receive at least $500, with some receiving many times that amount, depending upon his or her specific claims and damages. Continue Reading ›

According to a recent news article from The Los Angeles Times, the prevailing wage for construction workers in California is at the forefront of a growing debate over housing.  This is a fairly complex issue when we look at the definition of the prevailing wage and how it works in practice.

LA employment lawyerThe prevailing wage is the leading wage paid to construction workers in our region. There is a prevailing wage for each of the 25 different types of construction workers.  For example, the common wage of masonry workers is the prevailing wage for that class of worker.  There is a prevailing wage for all other construction trades, such as plumbers or electricians. Continue Reading ›

For a variety of reasons, American workers are not showing up in droves to pick crops.  As we have seen across the country, when trying to fill tens of thousands of harvest-related jobs, it is rare to see more than a small handful of Americans apply for these positions.  Even if American workers do sign up, most of them quit before the end of the harvest season.  This means workers who are brought to this country on agricultural visas do these jobs, or these jobs are the jobs that are done by undocumented workers.

LA Employment AttorneyWhile the current presidential administration said it plans to stop these visa programs, despite the fact the Trump Organization personally uses these workers on its various properties, and the administration also continues to crack down on undocumented workers, this creates a serious problem.  Either these workers will continue to do the crop harvesting jobs, or the country will switch to importing all produce. Continue Reading ›

Orange County gender discrimination lawyers represent women in all different professions who experience discriminatory behavior based on their sex. No professional, no matter how skilled or how far that person advances in a career, is safe from the devastating impact of unlawful discrimination. employment attorney

Researchers from University of California San Francisco recently conducted a comprehensive study and found even women physicians were discriminated against in substantial numbers. In fact, the researches showed as many as four out of every five physicians who are mothers were discriminated against on-the-job. Continue Reading ›

Fox News Channel has been faced with numerous claims of unlawful employment actions in recent months. Fox has settled numerous sexual harassment cases, and is now facing an expanded racial discrimination lawsuit. The expanded lawsuit involves multiple former Fox workers, all of whom claim they were racially discriminated against while performing their jobs for Fox News Channel. employment lawyer

Racial discrimination and sexual harassment can both result in civil actions against companies in which executives or managers engage in unlawful behavior, as well as civil actions against companies which fail to correct a hostile work environment being created in the workplace.

Orange County employment discrimination lawyers understand how devastating it can be for victims to be treated inappropriately and unfairly due to their protected status, like their race or gender. Victims have rights, and high-profile anti-discrimination claims like the recent cases against Fox News may help to raise awareness of discrimination issues and prompt more people who are being victimized to take action. Continue Reading ›

According to a recent news article from Business Insurance, two employers in California have just been sentenced to prison following convictions involving workers’ compensation violations. Prosecutors have stated that one employer, a licensed contractor, did not have workers’ compensation as required to protect his employees in case of an accident.

Employment Lawyer Anyone who has ever worked in any type of employment setting has probably seen the workers’ rights poster that is handing in the break room or next to the copy machine.  This poster, while you may not give it much thought, lists the important right afforded to by your by your employer pursuant to state, local, and federal law. This includes your right to minimum wage and your right to overtime pay in most situations. Continue Reading ›

When an employer does not pay his or her employees all of the money and benefits that they are rightfully owed, this is known as wage theft.  According to a recent news article from Pasadena Star News, wage theft is a serious problem in California.

LA employment LawThe worst part is that the employees who are victims of wage theft are often the lowest paid or minimum wage workers, so this creates an even greater hardship on people who are working desperately so they can take care of themselves and their families.  To get an understanding of how big the problem has become in our area, a recent study from the Economic Policy Institute shows that around $2 billion per year is stolen due to minimum wage violations alone. Continue Reading ›

When you believe you have been discriminated against, it can be difficult to know where you should turn. If the discrimination caused you to experience damages, Orange County employment attorneys can assist you in using the civil court system to obtain compensation from employers for losses resulting from discriminatory behaviors.  Some victims of discrimination also turn to government agencies for help, although the assistance available with this method can be more limited in important ways, as compared with having an attorney represent your interests and advocate for you.

employment lawyer

Soon, California workers who have been discriminated against could have another source to turn to for assistance if unlawful discrimination is occurring. Capital Public Radio reported a new bill is working its way through the state legislature which would help to provide broader anti-discrimination protection for workers by enhancing the resources available to those workers for reporting discriminatory behavior. Continue Reading ›

Discrimination on the basis of race and national origin are prohibited by both state and federal law, and Orange County employment discrimination lawyers provide legal assistance to victims of unlawful discriminatory actions who wish to pursue claims for compensation. Discrimination can take many forms beyond a company simply not hiring or not promoting someone due to their race. Just recently, for example, the Department of Fair Employment and Housing in California filed a lawsuit against Forever 21, which is a local clothing store. Forever 21 is being sued for discrimination against Spanish speaking employees. employment lawyer

According to CBS Local San Francisco, Forever 21 allegedly violated civil rights laws by unlawfully discriminating against employees who speak Spanish. The clothing retailer adopted an English-only policy to apply at its flagship store in San Francisco. The store prohibited staff members from speaking any language other than English, according to the lawsuit which has been filed. This prohibition against languages other than English extended not just to talking with customer, including Spanish-speaking customers, but also to situations where staff members were not interacting with the public. Continue Reading ›

A lawsuit has been filed against Tesla by an African-American who spent two years working on the assembly line. The worker claims in the lawsuit he experienced harassment on an ongoing basis for months on the basis of his race. Orange County anti-discrimination lawyers regularly represent clients making claims of racial discrimination, which is prohibited under state and federal law.   racial discrimination

Unlawful racial discrimination not only includes a company’s refusal to hire, fire or promote a person based on race but it also includes the creation of a hostile work environment. A hostile work environment is created if an employee who s a member of a protected class is made to feel uncomfortable on the basis of his protected status. If an African-American is treated poorly by coworkers due to his race, this would be an example of illegal discriminatory behavior a company could be held accountable for. Continue Reading ›

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